As an arts organization, the MACC is dedicated to offering students a wide variety of live artistic experiences from different disciplines to provide awareness and exposure to the arts. We support Hawaiʻi-based artists within our community that have an inspirational message and original music to share with our keiki with our Motivational Mele program. MACC Education is continuing with Motivational Moments that offer FREE virtual mini-performances, creating an opportunity for students to enjoy a selection of short videos created by local artists to share their creative work and motivational messages for Maui's keiki that may be viewed in their classroom or at home from their personal computers. MACC’s Motivational Moments are absolutely free but registration is required.
To find out more and to register, CLICK HERE.

CanDo! Days
CanDo! Days (Pre-K, K, Grades 1-5)
For over 20 years, MACC’s CanDo! Day program has been instrumental in providing hands-on art immersion lessons in dance, drama, music and visual arts. Schools across Maui County will again be able to sign-up for grade relevant lessons that cover the four disciplines. No matter what class schedules look like, we’ll make it easier for students to participate in person or with pre-recorded personalized CanDo! Day lessons.
For further information and to register for CanDo! Days please CLICK HERE.
The MACC's residency program provides students with the opportunity to work with master artists to both deepen their understanding and as an effective tool to foster interest for the arts and its relation to the world around them. This year, virtual residencies are again being offered that focus on the MACC’s partnership with the National Youth Poet Laureate Program. Spoken Word continues to be an expressive form of art amongst our youth that allows them to explore poetry, both in written or recited forms. The first Hawaiʻi youth poet laureate was selected in 2021 and the program will continue.
For additional details CLICK HERE.

Cross Currents Summer Program
The Cross Currents Program was created to engage middle and high school youth in hands-on arts experiences. The program was conceived to provide students with access to master teaching artists working a wide-ranging array of artistic practices from both the Native Hawaiian and contemporary lenses to encourage cross disciplinary arts integration and healthy self-expression. In the past, the program focused on music, dance, storytelling and spoken word poetry.
CLICK HERE for more details as they become available.